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Child Arrangements Orders

Child Arrangements Explained

Relationship breakdown is painful for the parents and children alike, particularly when the children need to feel safe and secure. When relationships break down, most parents want to put their children first and resolve child arrangements amicably, however, in reality there is often conflict resulting from the break up, which can often affect child arrangements. Whatever the relationship of the parents or their previous living arrangements, the court can deal with disputes concerning their children, if they are struggling to reach an agreement.


Options available to resolve child arrangement disputes include preparing and agreeing parenting plans, attending mediation, issuing court proceedings or engaging in arbitration. When a child arrangements application is issued, unless it is urgent, the first hearing will be listed several weeks later. The court can make orders in respect of all aspects of a child's upbringing, such as where they live, with whom they have contact and when, surnames, holidays abroad with the other parent, religions, the school they attend, moving away, health care and emotional well being. When making a child arrangement order the judge will always have the children’s safety and their physical and emotional wellbeing as the top priority.


The Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS), will play a role in your proceedings. They are independent of the courts, social services, education and health authorities. They will gather information in relation to each of the parties and the child(ren) to provide the court with important background information. They may also act as the voice or the child(ren) in the proceedings. 

How Jane Can Help

It is not always necessary to go to court to resolve disagreements over child arrangements. Whilst it should be the last resort due to the cost, delay and stress, involved, if you feel court proceedings are the best way forward or you are part-way through ongoing proceedings or simply need some expert advice, Jane can help.


Jane is experienced in dealing with cases involving high conflict parental disputes and regularly deals with disputes concerning parental alienation and persistent failure to comply. Caseloads include allegations of alcohol/substance misuse and addiction, neglect, isolation (of parent and/or child), physical, emotional and sexual abuse, harassment, fabricated illness, extremism, mental health issues, missing children and emergency remedies.


Huddersfield Chambers is an LGBTQ+ inclusive chambers and welcomes clients of all orientations including heterosexual, same-sex and transgender parents, working hard to achieve the right outcome for their children.

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Ready to Get Started?

Call, email or fill out our contact form, with a brief overview of your circumstances. You will receive a fixed fee quote and when you are ready to get started, you will be fully supported in your case, every step of the way.

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